John Keatley
The first art monograph from an acclaimed commercial photographer
The first art monograph from an acclaimed commercial photographer

John Keatley’s Uniform project is a multifaceted social commentary. While the stylized portraits are distinct individuals, they are all part of one unidentifiable unit, blurring the lines of age, gender, and race.

Project details
Project details

A blurry photograph of a man running across a bridge.
A blurry photograph of a man running across a bridge.
A blurry photograph of a man running across a bridge.
A photograph of a brown REI rain jacket.
A photograph of a brown REI rain jacket.
A photograph of a brown REI rain jacket.
A photograph of a brown REI rain jacket.
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Keatley encourages all who come into contact with Uniform to discuss the correlation between emotional detachment from members of the military, and the effect of war on everyday Americans.”

Treason Gallery