The Brutalist
An artful brand for deceptively simple beer
An artful brand for deceptively simple beer

The Brutalist is a brewing facility in St. Petersburg, Florida focused on simple beer with a collaborative bend. Strange Practice worked with the owners and brewers to create a simple and bold brand that leaves room for interpretation.

Project details
Project details

Naming and inspiration

Great beer, like Brutalism, hides complex artistry and science within deceptively simple forms. The architectural movement perfectly reflects the brewery’s ethos — stripping away excess to highlight only the essentials. In this case a focus on single hop varietals.

A blurry photograph of a man running across a bridge.

Robin Hood Gardens, 1972

A blurry photograph of a man running across a bridge.

Orlando Public Library, 1966

Robin Hood Gardens, 1972

A blurry photograph of a man running across a bridge.

Robin Hood Gardens, 1972

Robin Hood Gardens, 1972

A photograph of a brown REI rain jacket.
A photograph of a brown REI rain jacket.
A photograph of a brown REI rain jacket.
A photograph of a brown REI rain jacket.
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