Updating product photography for a heritage gem
Updating product photography for a heritage gem

Filson, the original Gold Rush outfitter, has been manufacturing rugged, overbuilt clothing for well over a century. Following acquisition by private equity, the brand’s decades-old product photography was in urgent need of a modern refresh.

Project details
Project details

Filson’s history sets the template — drawing from antique catalog references, applicable SKUs were restyled to match.

A blurry photograph of a man running across a bridge.

Cruising shirt illustration, circa 1900

A blurry photograph of a man running across a bridge.

Photographed Cruising shirt

Cruising shirt illustration, circa 1900

A blurry photograph of a man running across a bridge.

Cruising shirt illustration, circa 1900

Cruising shirt illustration, circa 1900

A photograph of a brown REI rain jacket.
A photograph of a brown REI rain jacket.
A photograph of a brown REI rain jacket.
A photograph of a brown REI rain jacket.
A photograph of a brown REI rain jacket.
A photograph of a brown REI rain jacket.
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