Setting the style for stills and motion
Setting the style for stills and motion

Ernesta aims to revolutionize the rug industry by making custom-sized rugs easily available direct-to-consumer.

Project details
Project details

A blurry photograph of a man running across a bridge.
A blurry photograph of a man running across a bridge.
A blurry photograph of a man running across a bridge.

Location art direction for interiors

Studio art direction for product photography

Multiple angles showcase pile, serging, pattern, and texture

A photograph of a brown REI rain jacket.
A photograph of a brown REI rain jacket.
A photograph of a brown REI rain jacket.
A photograph of a brown REI rain jacket.
A photograph of a brown REI rain jacket.
A photograph of a brown REI rain jacket.
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Creative direction for motion content

Built for long-term success

Not only has this work set the standard for Ernesta’s creative direction moving forward, but it has also played a pivotal role in positioning the brand for sustained momentum and growth, including the expansion into multiple physical locations and securing additional rounds of investment.